Horse Fun Day: September 21, 2025
30 people viewed this event.
- Assisted Riders
- Walk/Trot Only
- Ages 12 & Under
- Ages 13-17
- Ages 18 & over
- $8 per class or all 10 classes for $70
- Ribbons for 1st to 5th places
- Points given for 1st to 10th places
Year End Awards
- Grand Champion & Reserve Champion in each division
- Must be current HCHC member to be eligible for year-end awards
- Year-end points are cumulative to rider for all circuit fun shows – points must be designated prior to class if riding more than one horse
- Assistance is allowed in any way in the Assisted Rider Division
- In the Walk/Trot Only Division, a spotter is allowed as long as they do not interfere with the timer. If they are needed to physically help the rider, the rider will receive a ‘no time’ for that class
- Helmets MUST be worn by riders 17 years of age and younger while mounted inside and outside the ring
- Proof of age over 17 is required at time of entry
- Riding britches or jeans with boots or heeled sneakers required for all riders
- Current Coggins required for all horses